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Software engineer

About me

Passionate about software technology, curious to learn new things, focusing on adapting new technologies, good communicator, good team player.


Bachelor’s degree in engineering (Information Technology), University of Pune  · (2017 - 2021)

CGPA: 7.63/10


Tata Consultancy services

Assistant System Engineer (Data warehouse Developer) June 2021- present

Sankalpsoft solutions

Web designing and development internship

May 2020 - May 2020 (1 month)

Nashik, Maharashtra, India


Rental cars Management System

Oct 2020 - Nov 2020

Rental cars Management System is a platform for renting cars to customers. It has facility to register and do reservations for a car.

This project is developed with html, css and javascript.

Student activity

Apr 2020

It is basically the platform for Student-Teacher online interaction through which teachers can provide various assignments to the students who have enrolled on that platform. Whereas students can submit image file,PDF of their solution of the given assignment on this platform. It also provides the facility to display record of enrolled students as well as students who have submitted the assignment.

This project is developed with HTML, CSS ,PHP for frontend and MySQL database for backend.


C, C++, Java, SQL, Teradata, Informatica, Unix.

Additional details

Selected for Zensar technologies’s ESD Program

Dec 2019-Jan 2020

It consisted of several domains such as: Communication skills Core Java SQL,PL/SQL Life skills

Participated in Skill tests of Techgig
Participated in Coding platform such as Hackerrank

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